Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

“Is It Worth Repairing an AC Compressor, or Should I Replace?”

Monday, June 29th, 2020

compressor-inside-ac-unitHere’s the thing—you can’t repair an air conditioner’s compressor if it breaks down. The compressor of your air conditioner is essentially the heart of the system, responsible for allowing the refrigerant process that even makes it possible for your cooling system to… well… cool.

So, if that’s the case, why are we even writing this blog post? If repairing the compressor isn’t possible, isn’t the only option to replace it?

Well… here’s the thing. The real question you should be asking here is, “should I replace my AC compressor, replace the outside unit of my cooling system, or replace the entire air conditioner?” To be honest, the answer to this is, “it depends” and that’s why this blog post is so important. When it comes down to it, it may simply be best to replace the entire air conditioner, and here’s why:

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4 Reasons to Go Ductless This Summer

Monday, June 1st, 2020

ductless-air-handlerIf you’ve only ever used a central air conditioner for your cooling needs, you might not know that there is a singular alternative that takes care of both your cooling and your heating needs—a ductless system! Also known as a ductless mini-split, this has become a preferred option for many homeowners. They’re great at efficiently keeping homes warm in the winter and cool in the summer, providing you with year-round comfort.

We understand that choosing the perfect air conditioning system for your home may seem like a daunting task. There are, after all, many great options to choose from. Our advice is to speak with a trained professional before you make any final decisions. After all, not every home is well equipped for a ductless system, but yours may very well may be! Read on to learn more.

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Air Conditioning Maintenance and Coronavirus: How to Stay Safe & Comfortable

Thursday, May 21st, 2020

Lives everywhere have been upended as the world reels from the coronavirus pandemic. Gatherings have beenOutdoor Cooling Unit called off, businesses have been shuttered and people are advised to stay home whenever possible. As the government continues to preach social distancing on every available screen, it is understandable that you would be wary of allowing another person into your home. However, that being said, the verity of the matter is: nobody sent a pandemic memo to your HVAC system, therefore, unfortunately, it could still break down. Preventative air conditioning maintenance is the answer; and we, on the other hand, are much more considerate than your HVAC system. At Boehmer Heating & Cooling, we’ve taken the steps to ensure your health, safety, and overall comfort in these difficult times.

As inconsiderate as it would be for your system to break down right now, these stay-at-home orders only mean longer run times and increased strain on your air conditioning system, thus maintenance has never been more crucial. Take the significant extra hours spent at home, add the soaring temperatures on the forecast, and a bonus side of allergy season to create the perfect scenario for disaster.

Fear not! Simple preventative maintenance will reduce the likelihood of untimely breakdown and repairs. 

Fact: Properly maintained HVAC equipment maximizes the life expectancy of your system, $100 now could save you thousands later, not to mention the headache that comes with an unexpected breakdown or premature replacement.

Over and above the financial benefits of HVAC maintenance there are other advantages to getting ahead of the problem. 

One being: it will improve the quality of the air circulated throughout your home. 

The quickest and simplest way to improve your home’s air quality is to replace your furnace filter regularly; but did you know dust and debris don’t only collect on the filter? Any moving part in your system can accumulate dust, bacteria, and contaminants, meaning we could find particles inside your air ducts, the condensing unit, and even inside the furnace itself. Bad news: all of that build up gets circulated into the air you breathe, acting as a trigger for family members with allergies, asthma or other respiratory ailments.

The next being: it will reduce your energy usage and costs. 

Yes, I know I said “over and above the financial” but saving money can never be ignored. Maintaining your system will ensure it’s operating at peak efficiency, bringing down the amount of energy you use and, in turn, the amount you pay for it.

Your Safety Matters

The health and safety of our customers are vital to us. That’s why in these extraordinary times, we’re taking safety precautions to ensure that we can provide the same level of service that you’ve come to expect from us without breaking the need for social distancing. Each of our trained and certified technicians are following CDC guidelines for health and safety and they’ll arrive at your home with:

  • Disinfecting wipes
  • Disposable latex gloves
  • Face masks
  • Shoe covers

Open communication can also be constructive. Discussing any worries you might have with us beforehand can help get both parties on the same page and create a safe situation for everyone.

The toll this virus has taken on the world appears boundless. Whether it be your health, livelihood, savings, or sanity it seems no one was spared. Regardless, we understand times are tough and money may be tight. Yet, the fact of the matter is, right now, your home is your only refuge, and discomfort in your only place of refuge might just take the last ounce of your sanity. We are offering comfort, good indoor air quality, and peace of mind in the form of simple, preventative maintenance.

Schedule your maintenance appointment with us today.

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Use This Simple Trick to Boost Your AC Efficiency This Summer

Monday, May 18th, 2020

kitchen-in-modern-home-with-ceiling-fanWhen temperatures soar to their highest during the summer, homeowners are immensely grateful for the use of their central air conditioners. What most homeowners aren’t grateful for, though, are the high energy bills that come along with AC bills. They may try to use their air conditioners less, or hope to save energy by keeping unnecessary lights off (this helps, but not much!)

What if we told you that there was one, small, simple trick to boost your air conditioning efficiency? What’s that trick, you ask? Using your ceiling fans!

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How to Use Your HVAC System as Efficiently as Possible

Monday, April 6th, 2020

wall-register-near-groundIt’s still on the chillier side for now, and you might even still be using your heaters on a daily basis. But as we all know, springtime can bring warmer temperatures quicker than expected, and when it does you need an AC system that can keep up and operate as cost-efficiently as possible.

We’ve shared some tips below that can help you use your air conditioner more efficiently this year, but keep in mind these tips can be applied to your heating system as well—just in case winter decides to last a little bit longer in our parts.

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It’s That Time of Year Again! Schedule Your AC Tune-Up Today

Monday, March 23rd, 2020

technician-working-on-air-conditionerWhile homeowners in other parts of the country would consider our current weather chilly, around here we know it’s just a matter of time before we need our cooling systems to work full force. When that time comes, are you ready?

The #1 thing you can to do prepare for the cooling season is to make sure your air conditioner is ready to work as efficiently and effectively as possible—through maintenance. During your AC maintenance session, otherwise called a tune-up, our technicians will fully inspect, clean, and adjust components that need it. It’s also at this time that we’ll recommend repairs, if needed, so you can get them on your schedule right away.

But what does all this really mean?

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Schedule Late-Season AC Repairs Today!

Monday, August 26th, 2019

outdoor-ac-unit-with-tools-on-topYou’ve been using your air conditioner diligently this summer, right? Which also means, of course, that you had maintenance performed on the system before the summer began.

What’s that? You skipped maintenance this time around? First off, that’s okay! It’s never too late. If you haven’t had your system maintained you can still give us a call. Sure, it’s more convenient for your schedule to have it done before you need the system the most, but it’s more important that you have the service done regularly than how often you have it done.

Regardless of whether or not you have maintenance done, however, it’s important that you take care of any late-season repair needs ASAP. Sitting on them and ignoring them in hopes your system won’t break down before the season is over isn’t a great idea. Even if the AC doesn’t fail you this year, it certainly can next. That said, here are some common signs it’s time to give our team a call, today:

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Thermostat Practices to Avoid

Monday, August 12th, 2019

outdated-thermostat-being-adjustedDid you know you could be hurting the efficiency of your air conditioner simply by how you’re using the thermostat? Your thermostat is essentially the brain of your entire HVAC system, so if something is wrong with it, something is wrong with your system.

But we aren’t really talking about something being physically wrong with your thermostat, or the way the device communicates with your air conditioner, but rather how the way you use it causes your AC to perform, for better or for worse.

We’re going to cover a couple of behaviors that many homeowners still follow when it comes to their thermostat practices, and share with you why it’s not the best route to take.

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Keeping Your AC in Good Shape at the Peak of Summer

Monday, July 15th, 2019

ac-vent-near-floorWhere would we be without the modern convenience of air conditioning? Certainly not comfortable in our homes this summer, that’s for sure! Of course, just having a cooling system in place isn’t always enough. We also want to stay comfortable affordably.

That said, your air conditioner—as nice as it is to have—may not be keeping up to the standards you expect of it. Maybe it doesn’t reach the desired temperature on your thermostat fast enough, or perhaps it costs you too much to run from month-to-month.

But, there could be something—actually there could be a several somethings—you can do to boost your air conditioner’s efficiency and therefore keep your AC in good shape at the peak of summer, while costing you as little as possible.

Curious? Read on.

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Heed These Signs of AC System Problems

Monday, June 17th, 2019

technician-working-on-air-conditionerComparatively speaking, our summers are fairly mild in our part of the country. Still though, heat is relative to what we’re used to—so when an air conditioner breaks down on an 80°F+ day, we have a right to complain! Of course, we don’t ever want you to reach that point, if we can help it. The best way to prevent any problems with your air conditioner is by scheduling annual maintenance with a professional—or biannual maintenance if you have a year-round heat pump.

But even with maintenance, repair needs can still crop up. Ignoring or delaying them can only cause more harm to your AC system. Some good news in all of this is that most AC repair issues do give out signs and symptoms well before they cause your system to break down entirely. While we would never recommend a homeowner formally diagnosing or trying to repair a faulty AC by themselves, you can certainly spot the signs that you need air conditioning repair, and give us a call from there.

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