Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Heed These Signs of AC System Problems

Monday, June 17th, 2019

technician-working-on-air-conditionerComparatively speaking, our summers are fairly mild in our part of the country. Still though, heat is relative to what we’re used to—so when an air conditioner breaks down on an 80°F+ day, we have a right to complain! Of course, we don’t ever want you to reach that point, if we can help it. The best way to prevent any problems with your air conditioner is by scheduling annual maintenance with a professional—or biannual maintenance if you have a year-round heat pump.

But even with maintenance, repair needs can still crop up. Ignoring or delaying them can only cause more harm to your AC system. Some good news in all of this is that most AC repair issues do give out signs and symptoms well before they cause your system to break down entirely. While we would never recommend a homeowner formally diagnosing or trying to repair a faulty AC by themselves, you can certainly spot the signs that you need air conditioning repair, and give us a call from there.

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Is Your AC System Prepped for Summer?

Monday, June 3rd, 2019

animated-checklist-with-3-items-checked-offWith the official start of summer less than a month away, we hope you’ve given some thought to the state of your air conditioner. We imagine you have, since you likely needed it recently with the surge of warmer temperatures.

That said, is your air conditioner ready for summer? It’s not too late for your cooling system, if the answer is “no.” We’d rather have you schedule your professional maintenance session now, or even in the middle of summer, than not schedule it all this year!

Professional maintenance allows our technicians to fully inspect and clean your air conditioner, making any needed adjustments and/or recommendations for repairs. And as important as professional maintenance is, there are even a few smaller tasks you can and should do to ensure your system is prepped for summer.

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Ceiling Fans and How they Help Your Cooling System

Monday, May 20th, 2019

brown-wooden-ceiling-fan-on-grey-ceilingDid you know that not only can a ceiling fan help keep you cool, but it can also improve the efficiency of your air conditioner? Actually, it can improve the efficiency of your forced-air heater, too (more on that below!)

When you live somewhere with a summer climate like ours, you want to do everything you can to stay cool and comfortable, while not breaking the bank. Well, a ceiling fan, or multiple ceiling fans, is a pretty simple way to reduce what you pay for air conditioning in Allison Park, PA.

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What Is Geothermal Cooling All About?

Monday, May 6th, 2019

animated-picture-of-white-house-with-geothermal-tubes-going-into-groundWhen you think about air conditioning and heating systems, you probably envision the traditional central split air conditioner and furnace combination. After all, that’s what most homes in our area are equipped with.

And when most people hear the term geothermal, they’re likely to think of heat. This makes sense–after all, the word thermal is right there in the name. As a matter of fact, geothermal heat pump systems are, indeed, a great way to bring warmth into a home. That’s not all they do, though!

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It’s That Time Again: Schedule Your Next Tune-Up

Monday, April 22nd, 2019

clock-imposed-on-white-backgroundWhile last week’s little heat wave wasn’t a great example, we still have a little while left before we need to turn on our central air conditioning systems on a daily basis. But if that sudden increase in temperature was a sign of anything, it’s that when summer comes, it hits hard and you want to ensure that your air conditioner is very well prepared.

Regular preventive maintenance helps our technicians ensure that your cooling system is ready for the added strain of the summer heat. Neglecting maintenance for too long, or skipping it altogether, will make it more likely that you’ll face problems by the end of the cooling season or sooner. Read on to learn more about cooling system tune-ups and there benefits.

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Tackle High Energy Bills with These Efficiency Tips!

Monday, March 25th, 2019

green-house-on-see-saw-with-money-symbolAs we transition from cooler weather into warmer temps, your heater may finally be getting some reprieve. It will still be some time yet before we need to use our air conditioners on a regular basis, so now is a great time to just relax and forget about these systems, right?

Well… not quite. You should be handling any late-season heating repair needs now while you have the chance, and your air conditioner is just about ready for its spring maintenance appointment—more on that below.

Handling these tasks, and following the efficiency tips we’ve outlined below, will help you not only tackle high energy bills this summer, but will leave you in good shape all year round. Read on to learn more!

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AC Replacement: Should You Stick with a Central AC System?

Monday, September 10th, 2018

white question mark on blue backgroundBeing residents of the areas we serve ourselves, we understand that going without an air conditioner in the summer is simply not an option. So when yours dies on you, or its age indicates that it is just about time for a replacement, you may be tempted to rush out and replace it with a newer model of the same type of air conditioner you already have. For many homeowners in our area, this means sticking with central air conditioning in Pittsburgh, PA .

There are a number of benefits to sticking with central air conditioning, and this may end up being the best option for your specific home and needs after all, but it’s not the only option there is. Whether your ducts are in bad shape or you’re simply looking for an alternative for your cooling needs to save you money, then you’d do well to consider the ductless system.

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Schedule Your End-Of-Season AC Repairs Now!

Monday, August 27th, 2018


We may still have a decent number of summer days left, but soon enough temperatures will drop, and we’ll start focusing our attention on the cooler weather, and therefore our heating systems. This doesn’t mean you should forget about your air conditioner though!

There are a few key areas of your air conditioner where the technicians on our staff see problems with more often than other parts. This is especially true near the end of summer after your air conditioner has been working day in and day out. You’re at less of a risk of problems if your air conditioner had maintenance done by a reputable HVAC company in Bethel Park, PA, but you could still run into some repair needs, that should not be ignored.

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This Thermostat Mistake Could be Costing You

Monday, August 13th, 2018

Stock image of hand adjusting thermostatSummer is an enjoyable time of the year around our area, but the heat can admittedly get a bit tiresome for many, especially indoors! When you’re out enjoying the summer weather all day, the last thing you want to do is come home to a living space that is just as hot—you want a fully efficient and effective air conditioner to great you. This does not, however, mean that you should blast your air conditioning in Pittsburgh, PA as low as the thermostat will go!

Many homeowners result to this as a solution to the heat, but the recommended temperature setting during the summer is 78°F, according to the Department of Energy. If you keep setting it lower and lower thinking it will help you get cooler faster, you’d be making a mistake. Now, if you’re setting it lower and lower and you do not feel cooler at all, then there might be something wrong with your air conditioner, which will get to down below. Read on to learn more!

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Don’t Believe Refrigerant Myths (Or Other AC Misconceptions)

Monday, July 30th, 2018

Myths or Facts concept with business woman hand drawing on blackboardThe good ol’ World Wide Web has made it pretty easy for people to access information on just about any topic with a few keywords in a search bar. However, this also makes it pretty easy for people to access incorrect information, too. As a result, many myths have spread about various home services and appliances, with your Pittsburgh, PA air conditioning system being no exception.

Using that same power of the internet, we’d like to dispel some of these myths, particularly one about refrigerant loss. Keep reading to learn about this and other AC misunderstandings you may have never realized you had.

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