Fight Against Viruses and Allergens With a Whole-Home Air Purifier

Right now the world is obsessed with the Coronavirus, and with good reason. It’s surrounded in uncertainty and leaves tragedy in its wake. Feeling helpless is something we all have in common when the only thing we can do is stay home and wait. Keeping yourself and your family safe is the most important thing right now. So as the CDC preaches hand washing and disinfecting everything from our countertops to the groceries we buy; the question bears asking how clean is the air we breathe in our homes?

According to the EPA, the quality of indoor air can be 2-5 times (and even up to 100 times) more polluted than the worst outside air. You might be thinking, how is this possible? Well, indoor air pollution is all around you - from common particulates such as dust, pollen & pet dander to biological contaminants like mold, viruses and bacteria. Even odors (VOCs) disbursed from smoke, gas and cleaning products can be hazardous to your health. Once these contaminates get into your airstream, your HVAC system, as part of its circulation process will distribute them throughout your entire home. Fortunately there are solutions that help capture particulates, deactivate contaminants and neutralize odors, leaving your home’s air clean and your family breathing easy.
APCO® is a whole-house air purification system that uses activated carbon and germ-killing UV-C light to remove odors, chemicals, and biological contaminants from your air. Contact our team today to learn more!
The Air Purification Process

APCO® is installed inside your return air duct and detoxes passing air with a patented process called photo-catalytic oxidation (PCO). Its high-intensity ultraviolet light reacts with titanium dioxide infused into the carbon which effectively attacks bioaerosols and volatile organic compounds by changing their molecular configuration. Bacteria, viruses, and other pollutants are destroyed by the PCO process, leaving behind harmless by-products like H2O and CO2. The result is clean, odor-free air throughout your home.
What Does The APCO FreshAire UV Light Protect Against?

APCO is proven effective against all types of biological and chemical contaminants and when used in combination with an air filtration product and you can also effectively reduce up to 99% of allergens & particulates.
- Biological: Mold, Bacteria, Viruses, Germs
- Chemical: Pet Odors, Cooking Smells, Tobacco Smoke, Cleaning Agents
- Particulate: Pet Dander, Pollen, Dust, Dirt
The news is filled with contradictions and so it seems the world will be hunkering down for the unforeseeable future and more and more time will be spent in our homes. This time will certainly be more enjoyable (bearable?) if spent in comfort and with peace of mind. Stay safe, stay home, and stay healthy! We are all in this together and we want to do our part in any way we can!
APCO Freshair UV lights have proven through testing to effectively inactivate >99.99% of SARS-CoV-2 Virus within 0-2 seconds.
Click this link to learn more!
Or Call 412-381-4100 to discuss adding APCO to your home comfort system.