Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘HVAC Services’

Solved! 5 Ways to Eliminate Hot & Cold Spots

Monday, May 6th, 2024

Although we rarely get calls specifically asking us to fix hot and cold spots in their home, it’s something we often hear about from homeowners while we’re on a repair job or providing an estimate. In fact, it’s a common complaint. Many people try to make-do with stubborn hot and cold spots by simply avoiding those areas of their homes or adding or removing clothing layers to adjust. 

However, your HVAC system should be able to sufficiently heat or cool all the areas of your home–including those bothersome spots that seem unreachable. Let’s go over 5 common causes of hot and cold spots throughout your home.

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Will Closing HVAC Vents in Unused Rooms Save Me Money?

Monday, February 14th, 2022

One of the most common questions we get from our customers is in regards to the best ways to save money. How can they lower their energy usage, how can they use their systems more efficiently, and yes even will closing their HVAC vents in unused rooms save them money?

We’ll dive into all of this—but the short answer to “will closing HVAC vents save me money” is no. Actually, this can do more harm than good to your HVAC system, which we will explain in a moment.

The best way to save money starts with having a home energy audit done. This is when our professionals come in and assess where you may be losing energy, whether it’s through drafty windows and doors, damaged air ducts, etc. From there, we can look at the best ways for you to conserve that energy, including informing you of the best HVAC systems for your specific home. Read on to learn more!

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Common HVAC Misconceptions to Put to Rest

Monday, April 20th, 2020

white-question-mark-in-blue-circle-on-white-backgroundYou may not realize this—because you believe them to be true—but there are actually a lot of myths and misconceptions around HVAC use. Cutting through these misconceptions and putting them to rest is key to avoiding premature breakdowns and expensive HVAC repairs. Reach on as we uncover several of the biggest myths that lead to homeowner confusion and costly energy bills.

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How to Use Your HVAC System as Efficiently as Possible

Monday, April 6th, 2020

wall-register-near-groundIt’s still on the chillier side for now, and you might even still be using your heaters on a daily basis. But as we all know, springtime can bring warmer temperatures quicker than expected, and when it does you need an AC system that can keep up and operate as cost-efficiently as possible.

We’ve shared some tips below that can help you use your air conditioner more efficiently this year, but keep in mind these tips can be applied to your heating system as well—just in case winter decides to last a little bit longer in our parts.

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Does Your Heater Dry Out Your Air?

Monday, January 27th, 2020

white-question-mark-on-blue-backgroundMany homeowners believe that running their forced-air heating systems nonstop dries out their air and makes the indoor air quality poor, as a result. This isn’t entirely true, though, and we certainly don’t want you to start using your heater less as winter progresses. Dry air is definitely annoying, but restricting use of your heater won’t help your comfort.

In recent years, modern construction has meant that our homes are tightly sealed against the elements. This negatively impacts indoor air quality problems like dust infiltration. But dry air is a whole different ballgame.

Why is it such an issue, though? And what can you do to prevent it? When you work with a company that specializes in all HVAC services in Canonsburg, PA, including your indoor air quality needs, you can count on a quality answer. Our recommendation is the installation of a whole-house humidifier!

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Is Your AC System Prepped for Summer?

Monday, June 3rd, 2019

animated-checklist-with-3-items-checked-offWith the official start of summer less than a month away, we hope you’ve given some thought to the state of your air conditioner. We imagine you have, since you likely needed it recently with the surge of warmer temperatures.

That said, is your air conditioner ready for summer? It’s not too late for your cooling system, if the answer is “no.” We’d rather have you schedule your professional maintenance session now, or even in the middle of summer, than not schedule it all this year!

Professional maintenance allows our technicians to fully inspect and clean your air conditioner, making any needed adjustments and/or recommendations for repairs. And as important as professional maintenance is, there are even a few smaller tasks you can and should do to ensure your system is prepped for summer.

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Is it Time for an Energy Audit on Your Home?

Monday, April 8th, 2019

cardboard-house-cutout-being-held-against-blue-skyHere’s the thing about homes today—if yours was built in the last decade or so, it was constructed tightly. What does that mean? Well, it means that everything is tightly sealed to allow no air from going out and no outside air from sneaking in. This is great news for your HVAC systems, as it allows them to work as efficiently as possible. This isn’t, however, fool-proof

The fact of the matter is, over the years your windows and doors can develop drafts. Your ductwork can degrade to the point that you have conditioned air leaking into unused spaces such as your attic or crawlspace. You may have an aging HVAC system that’s performing inefficiently, or aging insulation that’s not keeping your home warm or cool, depending on the season. Fortunately, there is an answer to these obstacles—a home energy audit!

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What Heater Repair Issues Could You Face without Maintenance?

Monday, October 8th, 2018

cold man looking at thermostatWouldn’t it be nice if there were a way to guarantee your heater would work flawlessly all fall and winter long this year? Unfortunately, this just isn’t the case. Eventually, you will have a repair need that requires professional attention. Of course, you can reduce the risk of major and sudden repair needs by scheduling maintenance once a year for your heater! This is one of the most important HVAC services in Baldwin, PA you can invest in.

We get it, with temperatures still pretty high in recent weeks, you probably aren’t even thinking about your heating system yet. But let’s face it when winter hits, it hits hard. You’ll be grateful for a fully functional and efficient heating system. Below, we’ve detailed some heater problems that can crop up if you skip this service, and what they potentially mean for your heater.

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