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Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog

What Heater Repair Issues Could You Face without Maintenance?

cold man looking at thermostatWouldn’t it be nice if there were a way to guarantee your heater would work flawlessly all fall and winter long this year? Unfortunately, this just isn’t the case. Eventually, you will have a repair need that requires professional attention. Of course, you can reduce the risk of major and sudden repair needs by scheduling maintenance once a year for your heater! This is one of the most important HVAC services in Baldwin, PA you can invest in.

We get it, with temperatures still pretty high in recent weeks, you probably aren’t even thinking about your heating system yet. But let’s face it when winter hits, it hits hard. You’ll be grateful for a fully functional and efficient heating system. Below, we’ve detailed some heater problems that can crop up if you skip this service, and what they potentially mean for your heater.

Cool Air Coming from Vents

There are some symptoms you might encounter with a malfunctioning heater that are relatively subtle. But a heater blowing lukewarm or cool air from its vents is not one of them. This is a clear sign of a problem and might indicate a fuel combustion failure, or maybe even a leak in the air ducts leading to a particular part of the home. Whatever the case may be, this will require immediate repairs to ensure you can heat your home efficiently and effectively.

Increased Utility Bills

Of course, it can be expected as temperatures cool enough to use your heater, your utility bills will rise since you’ll be using your heater progressively more. And if there is a problem with your heater’s operation, it may not present itself as a visible symptom right away. But expecting your bills to rise and ignoring them are two different things. If your bills have skyrocketed despite comparable heater use to last year, then it’s an indication that something is seriously awry with the system.

Burning Odor

When you run your heating system for the first time this year, you may likely smell a bit of a dusty odor. This is understandable, since the heater has been off for months, and some dust has to burn off the components. If you keep smelling this from your heater, however, then you need to get in contact with our team right away. These symptoms indicate that something is wrong with your heater and it could be something that puts your safety in jeopardy.


Short-cycling is the process in which a heater starts up, runs only briefly, then cycles back down. This might be because of something simple, like a dirty and clogged air filter that you can (and should) change on your own. It may also be an issue like a faulty thermocouple.

If your system is brand new and starts doing this, then it means the system installed is too large for your home, unfortunately.

Whatever is causing your heater problems, however, our team can take care of it for you!

Call the friendly staff at Boehmer Heating & Cooling for exceptional customer service!

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