Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

How to Save Energy During a Hot Summer

Monday, July 15th, 2024

As the summer heat intensifies, so does the strain on your air conditioning system. Keeping your home cool without overworking your AC and ending up with huge utility bills can be challenging, but it’s essential for saving energy and money, and reducing wear and tear on your AC system. The last thing you want during a heatwave is an unexpected breakdown that prompts the need for AC repair in Pittsburgh. Here are some practical tips to help you conserve energy during the hot summer weather.

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July Heat Wave: Tips for Extreme Heat Safety

Monday, July 17th, 2023

Extreme heatwaves are an issue that is becoming more common across the US. In fact, we’ve already experienced some unusually high temperatures here in Pittsburgh and we’re not even halfway through the summer. 

When a heatwave is in the forecast, many homeowners want to know what they can do to not just stay comfortable, but to stay safe in their homes. It’s also important to know how to set your thermostat during extreme heat. Let’s go over 3 tips for how to stay safe and comfortable during record-high temperatures. 

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Heat-Proof Your Home: Save Energy & Improve Comfort

Monday, June 5th, 2023

Did you know that there’s no such thing as “cold?” In the world of thermodynamics and complicated physics, you have heat and a lack of heat. This is important because our heating and cooling systems don’t fight two different villains, they really just treat one type of energy in two ways. Heaters add heat to our homes and AC units remove heat.

So, when we’re looking at ways to stay energy efficient during the summer, we’re really examining ways to keep the heat outside of your home and make the process as easy as possible for your AC. This can involve a wide spectrum of practices, from changing the air filter of your HVAC system on a regular basis, to getting a full AC replacement in Pittsburgh, PA. What’s important is that you make the most cost-effective decision for your home’s comfort now and in the future.

Here are a few tips to stay more efficient and comfortable this summer.

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Pros and Cons of Ductless Air Conditioning Systems

Monday, April 26th, 2021

More and more homeowners these days are exploring the option of going ductless for their cooling needs, and for good reason. Ductless systems are highly efficient, and effective at providing individualized cooling throughout the home.

But that doesn’t mean a ductless system is right for every home. Could it be right for yours? We’ll explore the pros and cons of this system below.

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“Is It Worth Repairing an AC Compressor, or Should I Replace?”

Monday, June 29th, 2020

compressor-inside-ac-unitHere’s the thing—you can’t repair an air conditioner’s compressor if it breaks down. The compressor of your air conditioner is essentially the heart of the system, responsible for allowing the refrigerant process that even makes it possible for your cooling system to… well… cool.

So, if that’s the case, why are we even writing this blog post? If repairing the compressor isn’t possible, isn’t the only option to replace it?

Well… here’s the thing. The real question you should be asking here is, “should I replace my AC compressor, replace the outside unit of my cooling system, or replace the entire air conditioner?” To be honest, the answer to this is, “it depends” and that’s why this blog post is so important. When it comes down to it, it may simply be best to replace the entire air conditioner, and here’s why:

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Get Your Air Conditioner Serviced This Spring

Monday, March 26th, 2018

AC-repair-maintenanceSpring is here, and that means mild weather and lots of rain. You’re likely still using your home’s heating system quite a bit this time of year, but soon enough you’ll be turning on your air conditioner every day to keep cool while the temperatures soar. Before that happens, however, it pays to schedule a servicing session to your air conditioner. Not only can it avoid nasty surprises over the summer, but it will help your air conditioner do its job more effectively. Here’s a breakdown of what it all entails.

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Don’t Wait: Schedule End-of-Season Air Conditioning Repairs

Monday, August 28th, 2017

AC-repair-maintenanceAs the summer draws to a close in the upcoming weeks, you may still need your air conditioner for a bit longer. A heat wave can come at any time, and humidity levels can rise out of control. But if your air conditioner shows signs of slowing, you may be tempted to put off repairs until next year’s spring shows its head.

But we believe this is a mistake. Read on to find out how much worse your air conditioner can get the longer you wait, and why we think it’s in your best interest to make AC repairs ASAP. For more advise or to reach out to a qualified technician for your air conditioning repair in Bethel Park, PA, give us a call!

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Here’s What You Should Know About AC Refrigerant

Monday, July 31st, 2017

ac-maintenance-air-conditioner-unit-toolsRefrigerant, a substance you may sometimes hear referred to by a name brand—Freon—is a necessary component of any conventional central AC system. There are a lot of misconceptions about refrigerant that cause some homeowners to assume problems exist where they don’t, or worse—that there is no problem when one does exist.

Your air conditioning system is charged with a set amount of refrigerant upon installation (which may not be “Freon” by name). We want to tell you more about the purpose of refrigerant and why low refrigerant may be more of a problem than you think.

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How Minor Issues in a Home Make AC Bills Higher

Monday, July 17th, 2017

ac-unit-moneyWhen your air conditioning bills are higher than usual, you may come to think that’s just the hand you’ve been dealt. After all, air conditioning equipment does become less efficient with time, and variations in the weather certainly have an effect on how much energy your system requires. While AC equipment and outdoor temperatures can certainly be at fault for your high bills, there may be other factors under your control.

Conditions within the home influence how well your air conditioner works, and these are often things that can be repaired. Check out some of the home troubles that can make energy bills soar, and call our team to help you get the changes you need.

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Why You Should Schedule an AC Tune-Up Early in the Year

Monday, March 27th, 2017

ac-maintenance-air-conditioner-unit-toolsSoon enough, you can expect to start using your air conditioner all the time. The heat and humidity will not be tolerable for very long unless you are relaxing at the lake with a cold beverage in hand—or spending time indoors with the air conditioner. If your AC system breaks down on a hot day, you’re in trouble.

You can schedule an AC tune-up to help prevent this type of situation. This service, provided by professional HVAC technicians, offers many benefits to the AC system and to the homeowner, as long as you schedule this service early in the year—and preferably every year.

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