Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Whitehall’

How Indoor Humidity Can Impact Your Health

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Indoor air quality is a crucial aspect of maintaining a healthy and comfortable indoor living environment that is often overlooked. Among various factors contributing to indoor air quality, humidity plays a significant role. Humidity refers to the amount of moisture present in the air, and it affects not just your comfort, but your health. Let’s go over how low indoor humidity affects health and the benefits of using whole house humidifiers in Whitehall to maintain optimal humidity levels.

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Solved! How Often Do You Really Need to Change Your Furnace Filter?

Monday, April 8th, 2024

One of the most common questions we get is, “How often should I change a furnace filter?” A quick Google search will likely cause only more confusion as the answer will range from every month to every 3 months.

Generally speaking, you should replace a standard HVAC filter every 3 months. However, this should be more frequent depending on certain factors. Let’s go through some household circumstances that warrant a furnace filter change closer to the 1-2 month mark.

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How to Cut Home Heating Costs This Winter

Monday, February 12th, 2024

How have your heating bills been so far this winter? Have they been surprisingly low or shockingly high? If it’s the latter, this blog post is for you! No one wants to pay more for something when they could be paying less.

Your home’s heating costs are dependent on a number of factors such as the insulation in your home, the quality of your ductwork, and how efficient your furnace is. When your furnace is running efficiently, it provides a whole host of benefits in addition to cutting your heating costs such as reducing the need for furnace repair. Let’s go over 5 important factors to be aware of so you can feel confident you’re paying the least amount of money on heating expenses.

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Give Your Indoor Air Quality a Boost During Cold & Flu Season

Monday, January 15th, 2024

When most homeowners think of the main thing that affects their home comfort, they probably think about its temperature. When it’s sweltering hot or freezing cold outside, having a dependable AC and furnace is indeed paramount to comfort and safety. 

However, having the perfect indoor temperature isn’t the only thing that affects your comfort, safety, and health. Your indoor air quality (IAQ) is just as important. That’s why we provide comprehensive IAQ services. From air purifiers to air cleaners, read on to learn how these systems can boost your IAQ not just during cold and flu season, but all year round. 

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Air Filter Buying Guide: Choosing the Right Filter for Your Home

Monday, May 10th, 2021

Did you know that the air filters that come standard with your HVAC systems aren’t there to protect your indoor air quality at all? They certainly don’t hurt, but they’re actually in place to protect the interior components of the HVAC systems themselves from dirt, dust, and other debris that can get in and harm their components.

So, when we talk about air filters, we’re talking about air filtration systems—systems that will help improve the health, breathability, and safety of your indoor air. And don’t worry, finding just the right air filtration for you home isn’t something we expect you to do all on your own. This is what we are here for! We are home comfort and home efficiency experts and you can count on us to lead you the right direction with your air filtration options, which all starts with MERV.

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Combat Spring Allergens at Home

Thursday, April 15th, 2021

Did you know that your indoor air pollution can be far worse than the outdoor air pollution? Homes today are built very tightly, to allow no air to escape from your home. This is really good news for your HVAC systems—this tight construction helps those systems work as efficiently as possible. But it’s not great news for your allergies.

Since no air can escape from your home, this means that no allergens and other contaminants can get out either. This includes everything from visible pollen and dust to microorganisms, odors, VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), mold and mildew, and more. Does this mean there’s nothing you can do about those contaminants and allergens? Of course not! While no single technology can reduce or eliminate contaminants in the home, there are a number of indoor air quality solutions we provide that can mitigate your exposure. Read on to learn more!

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How Healthy Is the Air You Breathe?

Monday, July 1st, 2019

interior-of-homeWe’re not talking about the air outdoors—that comes with its own challenges. Your indoor air can actually be of worse quality than that of the outdoors, without the right indoor air quality products or services in place.

The “problem” is that homes today are built very tightly. This means that no air is allowed to escape out of crevices, or drafty windows or doors. Everything is sealed up quite nice, which is great news for the efficiency of your cooling and heating system! But it’s not the best news for any allergy or asthma sufferers in your household.

There are a number of indoor air quality products that might benefit you, but today we’re going to talk about the whole-home air purifier in Whitehall, PA, and why it surpasses portable air purifiers in improving the health of the air you breathe.

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What Is Geothermal Cooling All About?

Monday, May 6th, 2019

animated-picture-of-white-house-with-geothermal-tubes-going-into-groundWhen you think about air conditioning and heating systems, you probably envision the traditional central split air conditioner and furnace combination. After all, that’s what most homes in our area are equipped with.

And when most people hear the term geothermal, they’re likely to think of heat. This makes sense–after all, the word thermal is right there in the name. As a matter of fact, geothermal heat pump systems are, indeed, a great way to bring warmth into a home. That’s not all they do, though!

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Count on a Pro for a Summer-Ready Air Conditioner

Monday, July 2nd, 2018

HVAC technician working on AC outdoor unitWhat exactly do we mean by a “summer-ready air conditioner,” anyway? Well, we mean an air conditioner that has been properly maintained. Sure, there are some basic maintenance tasks you can do on your own. This includes changing or cleaning the air filter in your air conditioner every 1-3 months during periods of use. It also includes making sure your vents and outdoor unit are unobstructed to allow for proper airflow.

But in order to truly make a difference in your air conditioner’s performance and efficiency, you want to schedule professional maintenance once a year (twice a year if you’re utilizing a year-round heat pump system.) This is one of the most important, if not the most important, air conditioning services in Whitehall, PA you can invest it. But, what exactly happens during the maintenance process? How do our technicians ensure your air conditioner will last all summer long?

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Why Whole-House Air Purifiers Are Better

Monday, June 4th, 2018

whole-house-air-purifierWhen thinking about air quality, you may be more focused on what’s in the air outside such as mold and pollen levels. In fact, indoor air quality (IAQ) is even more important. After all, most Americans spend 90% of their time indoors, and that percentage is even higher for those suffering from respiratory conditions or allergies. At the same time, IAQ has become more of a concern due to factors such as new building construction utilizing airtight features to increase energy conservation. That’s why if you’re going to invest in an air purifier, whole-house air purifiers are your best bet.  

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