Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Indoor Air Quality’

Most Common Indoor Allergens & How to Avoid Them

Monday, May 20th, 2024

Did you know that the indoor air quality (IAQ) in most homes in the US is often 4-5 times worse than the air outside? Poor indoor air quality is an issue that plagues many households. Many people often wonder what exactly is in their homes that causes such a decrease in their air quality. 

From dust mites to pet dander, mold spores and cleaning products, you’d be surprised at what could be lurking in your home’s air. Let’s go over the 10 most common indoor allergens and pollutants that contribute to poor IAQ. We will also cover how to prevent these pollutants from wreaking havoc on your indoor air quality in Bethel Park with whole house solutions.

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Give Your Indoor Air Quality a Boost During Cold & Flu Season

Monday, January 15th, 2024

When most homeowners think of the main thing that affects their home comfort, they probably think about its temperature. When it’s sweltering hot or freezing cold outside, having a dependable AC and furnace is indeed paramount to comfort and safety. 

However, having the perfect indoor temperature isn’t the only thing that affects your comfort, safety, and health. Your indoor air quality (IAQ) is just as important. That’s why we provide comprehensive IAQ services. From air purifiers to air cleaners, read on to learn how these systems can boost your IAQ not just during cold and flu season, but all year round. 

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5 Frightening Facts about Indoor Air Quality

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

We talk a lot on this blog about how important indoor air quality (IAQ) is. That’s because a lot of homeowners think that their IAQ isn’t “that bad.” We’re not trying to cause unnecessary stress in our readers and we certainly don’t believe in pushing products that we don’t think would vastly improve the quality of life for homeowners. 

To illustrate just how problematic poor IAQ is, here’s a list of five frightening facts about indoor air quality that may surprise you. The good thing about poor IAQ is that improving it is as simple as giving us a call for indoor air quality services. From air purifiers to air cleaners, we can recommend a system that’ll combat poor air in your home.

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Get Your Home’s Air Back-to-School Ready

Monday, August 28th, 2023

If it’s “Back to School” time in your family, you’ve probably got a lot of things on your to-do list. Purchasing school supplies, scheduling doctor appointments, and planning a family schedule are just some of the many things that need to be considered.

Part of your preparation might be making sure your kids have hand sanitizer, wipes, and Kleenex in their backpacks. That’s because back to school means your child or children will pick up a lot of germs while they’re out and bring them back to your household.

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Negative Impacts of Extreme Heat to Indoor Air Quality

Monday, August 14th, 2023

Extreme heat waves are becoming more and more common not just in the US, but across the world. Here in Pennsylvania, we haven’t been immune to the extreme heatwaves that have been sweeping the Northeast. Add to that the poor air quality caused by the Canadian wildfires and it’s all the more reason to hunker down inside your home.

When a heatwave is in the forecast, people are advised to stay inside to avoid the brunt of the heat. And when wildfire smoke is present, not venturing outside is highly recommended. Your home should be not just a cool respite when temperatures skyrocket, but your home’s air quality needs to be healthy as well. Let’s look at the negative impacts of extreme heat on your home’s indoor air quality and how you can improve it. 

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5 Signs Your Ductwork is Leaking

Monday, February 27th, 2023

Your ductwork plays a highly important role in keeping your home comfortable. If you have any ducted HVAC system such as a heat pump, furnace, or standard split AC, then they need a way to deliver the temperature-controlled air they make into your home. They do this through your ducts.

If something goes wrong with your ducts, it will impact the comfort of your home. Think of it like potholes in a highway–the more holes there are or the bigger they are, the worse the overall delivery will be.

The tricky part is figuring out if your ductwork is actually in need of repair. Detecting duct leaks and fixing them is something you can trust our team to do. Read on to learn more about discovering when you need duct sealing to ensure you can keep things comfortable and improve your home energy efficiency.

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7 Ways to Cold & Flu Proof Your Home

Monday, January 16th, 2023

If you have small children in your home then you are likely well aware that it is cold and flu season. Hopefully, you’ve stocked up on plenty of medicines if the worst should happen and someone becomes ill.

Even if you don’t have children, you likely don’t want to get sick. And with many people still spending a large amount of time in their homes, it makes sense that you’d want to consider when aspects of your home can or can’t protect you from the microscopic threats in the air. Improving your indoor air quality can help along with some of the other tips we’ve listed here.

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Solved! Easy & Effective Ways to Ditch the Dust (and Other Common Indoor Pollutants)

Monday, August 1st, 2022

If you are an indoor allergy or asthma sufferer, then you know that “allergy season” can sound like a joke–allergies for us are practically year-round.

And what many homeowners don’t realize is that their indoor air quality can actually be worse than the quality of the air outdoors. This is because of how homes are constructed these days–homes are built to be very tight and efficient, disallowing any air from escaping or getting in. This is great news for the performance and monthly costs of your AC use, but not great news if you have allergies.

From dust to VOCs, there are a number of indoor pollutants that can make the allergy journey even worse. Fortunately, we are here to help! Read on to learn signs that you have indoor air quality problems, what could be causing those problems, and what solutions we have available for you!

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5 Products Every Allergy Sufferer Needs to Know About

Monday, April 11th, 2022

When you hear the phrase “indoor allergies,” you probably think of dust. And sure, dust is a very common irritant for allergy sufferers, but it’s certainly not the only particle or contaminant in the air that can impact you as an allergy or asthma sufferer.

It’s also important to remember that “indoor air quality” doesn’t just refer to the temperature of your home. Today’s indoor air quality solutions are designed to make homes healthier, not just more comfortable. In fact, there are 5 products in particular that can help allergy sufferers, and just about anyone else in your household. Read on to learn more about them!

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The Importance of Good Insulation in Your Home

Monday, January 17th, 2022

Did you know that insulation isn’t just for the wintertime? When homeowners think about drafty homes, they typically imagine cold air sneaking in on already chilly days. But what if we told you that insulation can help on hot days, too? Finding ways to keep cool air inside during the summer and hot air inside during the winter is integral to your comfort all year long.

Your level of insulation is one of many of the things we check when we perform what’s called an energy audit, where we look at where your heat transfer opportunities are. When we talk about heat transfer, we mean the transfer of heat through the spaces of your home, whether outside or inside.

Read on as we go into further detail on how good insulation helps your home, and whether your home may need better insulation to keep things comfortable throughout the year.

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