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Drafty Doors & Windows? Tips for Sealing Air Leaks

As a homeowner, there are a lot of things you need to stay on top of to make sure your home is comfortable. You also need to make sure that you’re not paying too much for your comfort. One thing that’s often neglected is making sure your home is as weatherproof as it can be. That means a home that’s well insulated and tightly sealed against the elements. 

Making improvements in weatherproofing is a great way to substantially decrease your energy bills. Sealing up air leaks is a surefire way to stay more comfortable not just in the winter, but throughout the year. 

But many people do not even realize that there are air leaks in the home, let alone how to find them. Drafty doors and windows can be particularly problematic. Even the smallest leaks can be detrimental if there are a lot of them throughout your home. All these small leaks here and there can add up to a lot of energy wastage!

When conditioned air leaks out of your home, you lose out on the heated and cooled air that goes with it. The result is that it can take a lot longer to get your home to your desired temperature and that means more money added to your energy bills.

Finding Air Leaks Through a Home Energy Audit

It can be difficult for a homeowner to pinpoint all the sources of leaking air in your home. It really takes the skills of a well-trained, professional team experienced in this type of thing. That’s why we offer energy audits to determine not only where leaks exist around your doors and windows, but throughout your entire home as well. 

Schedule an energy audit to find out where air is leaking out of your home. We use advanced technology and techniques such as a blower door test to pinpoint air pressure differences in the home. A complete energy audit also includes additional information about improving efficiency and comfort in your home. We’ll go over the results with you and determine a plan of attack to maximize your home’s energy efficiency through small yet effective strategies.

Why You Should  Hire a Professional for Air Leak Services

Sealing air leaks is a lot more difficult than it sounds. It’s easy for someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing to use the wrong types of products on the wrong housing materials. The last thing you want to do is damage your home in a way that makes it more difficult for a professional to ultimately take over the job. Not to mention there’s the cost of the materials themselves and your time investment. 

It really pays to leave this job to a professional. Our technicians will make sure that the highest-quality materials are used–and used properly. Optimizing your home to fight against inefficiency caused by drafts and air leaks requires more than a caulking gun. It requires the extensive training and knowledge that our technicians possess.

Call the friendly staff at Boehmer Heating & Cooling for exceptional customer service! Schedule a home energy audit in Pittsburgh with our team today.

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