Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Allison Park’

3 Furnace Sounds That Mean Something Spooky Is Happening

Monday, October 5th, 2020

woman-standing-on-yellow-background-holding-hand-to-ear-to-listenWith temperatures cooling down, it’s just about time to shut off our AC’s for the season and turn our attention to our heating systems. With the full-time use they’re about to start getting, now is the best time to address any repair needs your heating system might have. The best way to determine if you need repairs is to schedule a maintenance tune-up.

During maintenance, our technicians thoroughly inspect your system inside and out. We look for any components that need adjusting, or possibly even repair. If repairs are needed, we’ll alert you to them right away so you can get them on your schedule.

What if you already had furnace maintenance though, or what if you haven’t scheduled it quite yet, and you notice your furnace making a funny noise? The short answer to this is “call a professional!” which we do encourage you to do. In the meantime, we’ve uncovered below just a few of the spookiest sounds you might hear coming from your furnace, and what those sounds mean. For additional advice on handling unexpected heating system issues, check out our guide on before heating repair.

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5 Ways to Improve Heating Efficiency to Save Money

Monday, September 21st, 2020

gas-regulator-on-boiler-systemWith the official start of fall here, soon enough temperatures will turn toward cooler trends, and you’ll want a fully effective and efficient operating heater to get by. With your home’s HVAC systems making up about half of all your energy use, and therefore increasing your energy bills, it makes sense that you’d like to know how to best save money while maintaining home comfort.

Fortunately, we have 5 tips below on how to do just that. Read on!

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Ceiling Fans and How they Help Your Cooling System

Monday, May 20th, 2019

brown-wooden-ceiling-fan-on-grey-ceilingDid you know that not only can a ceiling fan help keep you cool, but it can also improve the efficiency of your air conditioner? Actually, it can improve the efficiency of your forced-air heater, too (more on that below!)

When you live somewhere with a summer climate like ours, you want to do everything you can to stay cool and comfortable, while not breaking the bank. Well, a ceiling fan, or multiple ceiling fans, is a pretty simple way to reduce what you pay for air conditioning in Allison Park, PA.

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Check for Heating Repair Issues Now

Monday, April 9th, 2018

heating-repair-servicesThe weather is turning warmer every day, and soon enough homeowners in the area will be turning off their heaters and turning on their air conditioners. Ironically, we actually see more heating repair calls now – when heaters have been running for months on end – than earlier in the winter when the strain had not yet begun to show. If your system is in need of repairs, it pays to discover that fact sooner rather than later. To better understand common end-of-season heating issues, check out our guide on potential end-of-season heating repair needs.

You should never attempt to diagnose a problem with your heater, let alone repair one. Proper heating repair requires formal training and licensing. It involves potentially dangerous components like gas, and can constitute a hazard to your whole home without proper care and precautions.

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How Can You Save Money on HVAC Service?

Monday, February 26th, 2018

hand-piggy-bank-coinSo your heater has broken down, your air conditioner needs replacement, or you’re looking for technicians to perform routine service. We know how frustrating this can be, and for many people, it’s a daunting task to take on. Finding technicians in your area that you can trust is hard enough. Will they overcharge you? Is there any way to save money on having technicians out to your home?

It won’t be easy, but there are ways you can cut down on costs when it comes to needing HVAC service. Some will require advance planning, but in the end, you’ll have a comfy home without overpaying.

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