Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Bethel Park’

Ceiling Fan Rotation: Why Direction Matters

Monday, July 1st, 2024

Ceiling fans are a great way to boost your home comfort levels. Even when your air conditioner is doing a great job of tackling the summer heat and humidity, lying under a ceiling fan and feeling the breeze adds another layer of comfort.

Ceiling fans are also cost-effective for regulating your home’s indoor temperature. However, what many homeowners don’t know is that your ceiling fan’s efficacy is dependent on which direction the fan blades rotate. In fact, many people aren’t even aware that their ceiling fans can rotate in two directions: clockwise or counterclockwise.

Let’s go over the importance of proper ceiling fan direction in summer in Bethel Park and how to set your home’s ceiling fans during the summer.

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Most Common Indoor Allergens & How to Avoid Them

Monday, May 20th, 2024

Did you know that the indoor air quality (IAQ) in most homes in the US is often 4-5 times worse than the air outside? Poor indoor air quality is an issue that plagues many households. Many people often wonder what exactly is in their homes that causes such a decrease in their air quality. 

From dust mites to pet dander, mold spores and cleaning products, you’d be surprised at what could be lurking in your home’s air. Let’s go over the 10 most common indoor allergens and pollutants that contribute to poor IAQ. We will also cover how to prevent these pollutants from wreaking havoc on your indoor air quality in Bethel Park with whole house solutions.

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Heating System Care: How to Increase Efficiency and Decrease Repair Needs!

Monday, January 11th, 2021

technician-using-flashlight-to-look-at-wiring-in-furnaceWinter is officially here, and it’s important to be prepared! It goes without saying that our winter seasons are downright chilly, and you need a fully functional and efficiently operating heating system to keep you comfortable.

Having a great heater in place is about a number of things—reliability, efficacy, and efficiency! You want a heating system that will operate as efficiently as possible—otherwise you can find yourself paying far too much for that heating. Additionally, an inefficient heater often means a heater in disrepair. Letting a heating system operate this way for too long can result in much bigger repair needs and potentially even premature replacement. What can you do about all this? Read on to find out!

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Is a Cracked Heat Exchanger in my Furnace an Emergency?

Monday, December 28th, 2020

furnace-jetsLet’s put it this way—a cracked heat exchanger is not a minor repair need by any means. If you’re using a gas furnace to heat your home this winter, then you need to be aware of the things that can go wrong.

Before we continue, it’s worth mentioning that a gas furnace is not inherently dangerous. But when it’s ignored, ill-maintained, or even aged passed the point of its useful service life (10-15 years, depending on the manufacturer) it can become hazardous.

The same can be said for any gas-powered appliance, as they all have the potential to develop safety issues. While these systems do have a special feature to turn the system off if something malfunctions inside the system, a heat exchanger crack can be subtle and insidious. Read on to learn more!

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Signs It’s Time for a New Furnace

Monday, February 10th, 2020

animated-checklistUpgrades are always fun, right? Well, not when it means you’re spending money that you didn’t expect to, which very well could be the case if your furnace fails on you suddenly.

The good news is, there are ways to prevent this from happening. Sure, your furnace is eventually going to need to be upgraded just like any other mechanical system or appliance. Scheduling routine maintenance for it every year is one way to keep on top of repair needs and make sure it’s working as efficiently and effectively as possible. It also allows our technicians to let you know if your system’s age is catching up with it.

Even without maintenance, though we don’t recommend skipping your annual tune-ups, there are signs you can watch out for that indicate it’s time to say goodbye to your old furnace and think about upgrading to a newer system. Read on to discover what these signs are!

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Is Your Thermostat Outdated?

Monday, December 16th, 2019

smart-thermostatAnd if your thermostat is outdated, does it matter?

Well, yes. Using outdated technologies often means you aren’t getting the most efficient or cost-friendly use out of them, and your thermostat is no exception. Your heater and air conditioner can be the highest-efficiency systems on the market, but with a malfunctioning, or old and ineffective thermostat, that might not mean much.

The thermostat is essentially the brain of your HVAC system, tasked with maintaining a comfortable temperatures inside your home. Today’s thermostats—smart thermostats but even the basic digital thermostat is an upgrade from the old manual slider devices still found in any homes—can do so much more than an outdated device. You may be wondering, “Do I really need a thermostat that can do more than just set temperatures?”

Of course you can keep things basic, but a smart thermostat offers a number of benefits that can save you energy, money, and frustration.

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The Importance of Home Energy Audits

Monday, September 23rd, 2019

window-sill-of-a-houseHave you ever had a home energy audit done for your living space? Do you know what a home energy audit is? This is a professional service offered by only a select few HVAC professionals.

A professional home energy audit helps technicians determine where your home is losing energy, and wasting money as a result. During this service, a trained member of our team will come to your home and conduct assessments that look at a host of factors to see where in your home you could benefit from a home energy solution.

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One Refrigerant Myth You Should Never Believe

Monday, July 29th, 2019

refrigerant-line-behind-ac-unitOne of the most commonly asked questions from homeowners is, “how often does my refrigerant need to be refilled?”

The answer might surprise you—hopefully, never!

Your air conditioner’s refrigerant should never need to be refilled—what we refer to as recharged in the HVAC industry. This is a common misconception though, that refrigerant is something that depletes over time, similar to gasoline from a car or oil from an appliance in your household.

How does refrigerant work, and what would cause a refrigerant loss? Read on!

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Tackle High Energy Bills with These Efficiency Tips!

Monday, March 25th, 2019

green-house-on-see-saw-with-money-symbolAs we transition from cooler weather into warmer temps, your heater may finally be getting some reprieve. It will still be some time yet before we need to use our air conditioners on a regular basis, so now is a great time to just relax and forget about these systems, right?

Well… not quite. You should be handling any late-season heating repair needs now while you have the chance, and your air conditioner is just about ready for its spring maintenance appointment—more on that below.

Handling these tasks, and following the efficiency tips we’ve outlined below, will help you not only tackle high energy bills this summer, but will leave you in good shape all year round. Read on to learn more!

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Schedule Your End-Of-Season AC Repairs Now!

Monday, August 27th, 2018


We may still have a decent number of summer days left, but soon enough temperatures will drop, and we’ll start focusing our attention on the cooler weather, and therefore our heating systems. This doesn’t mean you should forget about your air conditioner though!

There are a few key areas of your air conditioner where the technicians on our staff see problems with more often than other parts. This is especially true near the end of summer after your air conditioner has been working day in and day out. You’re at less of a risk of problems if your air conditioner had maintenance done by a reputable HVAC company in Bethel Park, PA, but you could still run into some repair needs, that should not be ignored.

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