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Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog

Signs It’s Time for a New Furnace

animated-checklistUpgrades are always fun, right? Well, not when it means you’re spending money that you didn’t expect to, which very well could be the case if your furnace fails on you suddenly.

The good news is, there are ways to prevent this from happening. Sure, your furnace is eventually going to need to be upgraded just like any other mechanical system or appliance. Scheduling routine maintenance for it every year is one way to keep on top of repair needs and make sure it’s working as efficiently and effectively as possible. It also allows our technicians to let you know if your system’s age is catching up with it.

Even without maintenance, though we don’t recommend skipping your annual tune-ups, there are signs you can watch out for that indicate it’s time to say goodbye to your old furnace and think about upgrading to a newer system. Read on to discover what these signs are!

Old Age

We alluded to this above. Furnaces are built to last, but every home comfort appliance has an end date. The average lifespan of a well-maintained furnace is about 10-15 years. As the system ages, it accumulates more and more wear and tear on its components. It is also more likely to have the following problems:

Frequent Repair Needs

Your furnace is going to need a repair or two every once in a while. But if you find yourself in the position of calling for repairs more than a couple times per year, it could be time for a replacement system.

Eventually, you’re going to wind up paying more for an unsalvageable system than it would just cost to replace it. A general rule of thumb is that if your next repair is going to cost over half of what the system is worth, it makes more economic sense to upgrade.

There’s a Lack of Heat

The main function of your furnace is to provide heat for your entire living space, right? Well, if your furnace is struggling to provide that heat as effectively as it once did, it’s a sign that it’s not working as efficiently anymore.

Sometimes efficiency issues can be fixed, but in an older system it might make more sense to start shopping for a new heating system.

Your Utility Bills Are Too High

We always recommend that homeowners keep a close eye on their monthly heating bills. Are you paying much more than you were this same time last year? How about what you’re paying in comparison to your neighbors—is it a lot more? If so, it’s a sign that like a lack of heat, your system isn’t working efficiently anymore.

Trust a Pro for Your Furnace Replacement

Be sure that if you are ready to upgrade your furnace, you work with a trained and experienced professional. There are a lot of factors that go into a successful installation. For instance, did you know that removing the old system can be the most laborious part of the process?

We have to make sure that nothing is damaged during the swap, and that your new system is properly sized and powered for the space. This isn’t a job to trust to just anyone.

Call the friendly staff at Boehmer Heating & Cooling for exceptional customer service! We’re the team to reach out to for furnace replacement service in Bethel Park, and so much more.

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