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Pittsburgh, PA Boiler Guide: What’s Involved in Boiler Maintenance?

The number of repairs a boiler requires is smaller than most other home comfort systems: this is one of the reasons boilers have remained popular for heating homes even as many options have emerged. A boiler that receives proper care, with regular maintenance check-ups and tune-ups, will last a very long time.

But that regular maintenance is key for making certain a boiler lasts as long as it should. Although boilers contain few moving parts that wear down over time, they circulate and hold water, which can create corrosion that will eat away at the boiler’s interior and exterior. Any machine that doesn’t receive proper attention can develop operational trouble; if left without repair, the trouble will increase.

Schedule preventive maintenance in Pittsburgh, PA, for your boiler today: contact Boehmer Heating & Cooling and enroll in our maintenance plan.

This is what you can expect from one of our extensive maintenance check-ups on your boiler:

  • System flushing: This removes silt and sand that may have settled at the bottom of the tank.
  • Pressure check: You don’t want high water pressure that may cause leaks; the ideal level for most boilers is between 12-15 lbs psi.
  • Fuel consumption check: Whether gas, electricity, or oil, your boiler shouldn’t waste fuel or draw too little of it.
  • Looking for leaks along connections and lines: Water leaks can be an insidious problem if not found and stopped early.
  • Temperature check in and around the boiler: This makes certain that your boiler isn’t losing heat, or gaining too much.
  • Thermostat recalibration: The thermostat is a vital part of making your boiler work for you, so the technician will see that it’s gauging the temperature correctly.
  • Adjust pilot and gas pressure and check for carbon monoxide leaks: Important for a gas-powered boiler, and this maintenance will also keep you safe.
  • Lubrication for all moving parts: Your boiler has few moving parts, but they still need to operate with as little stress as possible.

More goes into a maintenance visit than we can list here: an excellent technician takes the time necessary to see that you have a boiler at the peak of its heating power.

Boehmer Heating & Cooling recommends annual maintenance checks on your boiler to ensure its longevity. But even if you have skipped a few years, it’s never too late to get started. Call us today to arrange for that all-important check on your boiler in Pittsburgh, PA that will get you through the winter.

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