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Air Conditioning Installation: What Does SEER Have to Do with It?

Whole home air conditioning installation isn’t a single-step process. There are multiple items to be factored in and determined to ensure you install the right system for you and your home. One part of the process is determining just how energy efficient a system you want, and the way to determine this is by the SEER rating. SEER stands for seasonal energy efficiency ratio, and it tells you in a nutshell where a system falls in terms of energy efficiency. But choosing a system based on SEER alone isn’t advisable; instead, SEER should be one of several aspects that guide your choice for a new AC installment. The experts at Boehmer Heating & Cooling can help you review different SEER numbers to help you arrive at the right one for your home in Pittsburgh, PA.

How SEER Works

All air conditioners have SEER ratings. In 2006, the federal mandate for SEER rose from 10 to 13, so any whole home air conditioner manufactured from 2006 forward has a minimum SEER of 13. The SEER scale runs from 1 to 23+, but you need to understand how SEER works before installing an AC of a high SEER and calling it a day.

The best way to illustrate SEER is to review the same make and model of an AC system at different SEER ratings. Why? Because Model A with a SEER of 13 won’t cool less than Model A with a SEER of 16; both units will cool your home the same way. The difference is that the unit with the higher SEER rating will use less energy to do so, saving you money. However, the system with the higher SEER rating will cost you more initially, so what you need to do with your trained expert is determine where the breaking point is. In other words, what SEER level will save you money in energy over the long-term without breaking the bank in the short-term.

Our experts are here to help you with all of your air conditioning installation needs, so call us today and schedule an appointment!

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