Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC replacement’

Heat-Proof Your Home: Save Energy & Improve Comfort

Monday, June 5th, 2023

Did you know that there’s no such thing as “cold?” In the world of thermodynamics and complicated physics, you have heat and a lack of heat. This is important because our heating and cooling systems don’t fight two different villains, they really just treat one type of energy in two ways. Heaters add heat to our homes and AC units remove heat.

So, when we’re looking at ways to stay energy efficient during the summer, we’re really examining ways to keep the heat outside of your home and make the process as easy as possible for your AC. This can involve a wide spectrum of practices, from changing the air filter of your HVAC system on a regular basis, to getting a full AC replacement in Pittsburgh, PA. What’s important is that you make the most cost-effective decision for your home’s comfort now and in the future.

Here are a few tips to stay more efficient and comfortable this summer.

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3 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Air Conditioner

Monday, August 22nd, 2016

We know you may be hoping to save money for a little longer. But it’s so helpful to replace your air conditioner before it completely breaks down. A broken-down air conditioning system is something no one wants to deal with, and you’ll spend more time and energy getting an emergency replacement system than if you have time to plan for your replacement.

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Should I Buy a Bigger Air Conditioner?

Monday, July 25th, 2016

Does your air conditioner have trouble cooling down certain parts of the home? You may have been disappointed to learn after purchasing your AC or after moving into your new home that the air conditioner does a poor job of cooling your entire home. Air conditioners do, however, come in different sizes, so you might have come to the conclusion that your air conditioner just needs to be bigger.

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Repair or Replace: What’s Better for Your AC System?

Monday, May 2nd, 2016

It’s getting warmer and warmer, and you’re not sure whether your AC system is going to be up to the challenge of another cooling season. You noticed problems the previous season, but you put off repairing them as long as possible. Now, you’ll have to have it fixed soon. But can it be repaired? Or will you need to replace it?

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How Will the Freon Phase-Out Affect You?

Monday, June 15th, 2015

New laws in air conditioning rarely make the front page news, but since the early 1990s, there have been a number of new mandates rolled out to reduce the negative effects that greenhouse gases and refrigerant have had from an environmental standpoint. As mandates continue, there is one in specific of which you should be aware: the full phase-out of Freon, also known as R-22. Significant rollbacks have already occurred. For instance, if you have an air conditioning system that uses Freon, you may have been made aware that R-22 is only manufactured to repair existing ACs; in other words, air conditioners can no longer be produced with R-22. The result has been that Freon recharges for systems that have a refrigerant leak will be far more expensive than they were previously because of the limited amount of Freon being made. So the question is: is it worth it to keep your Freon-based air conditioning system in Pittsburgh, PA?

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Is It Time for AC Replacement?

Monday, April 20th, 2015

Spring is a great time to assess your home’s needs, and if it’s time to replace an outdated air conditioner, now is the perfect time to do it. It isn’t always obvious when it’s time to replace an air conditioner, especially when your system is still running, so our experts have listed a few factors to consider. One thing that never changes is that it’s imperative to hire an expert for your AC work, especially for a system replacement. Our specialists can help you size and install a new replacement for your Pittsburgh, PA, home, so just give us a call today!

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